Sunday, January 17, 2010

Maccu Piccu last post I said that I wanted to go somewhere...that I was a little restless... Well it looks like I now have a chance to go hiking in Peru this spring which would be freakin AWESOME! A lot of things could prevent this from happening however, such as money, work, and unforseen least I will post some pictures of the trail I would be on.

The last couple of services at Journey have been very meaningful to me. It is a series called "Jump". Basically the gist of it is, when God calls you to do something for Him it is almost always out of your comfort zone. We don't know what the end result will be. We can't see ahead like God can. The only thing we can do is...jump. Too often I make the "logical" choice. The one where I can see the end result. The one where I am in control. I have to ask myself, where's the faith in that? I have a hard time finding anything that I have done to this point where I have actually had to exercise faith. Perhaps that's why I feel restless. Maybe that's why I feel like I have not accomplished anything? The problem is...what! What is the dream that God wants me to accomplish? I don't know...and that is my prayer. That God will give me a dream that I cannot accomplish on my own. One that will require me to "jump". Then I pray that I will have the courage to do so... has been an interesting couple of weeks. I feel like changes are coming but I don't know what. I don't know what the next step is and that's a bit discouraging.

-Till next time


P.S. Perhaps I will be more lighthearted next time...sorry haha

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