Friday, August 14, 2009

Assorted thoughts...

So the last week has been one of the most fun weeks in recent memory for me! This past weekend we John Blanchard's going away party (and then another impromtu one on Sunday as well) where we had an epic game of ultimate spoons. If you don't know what that is, basically it is the game of spoons where the spoons are hidden in a different room of the house. In other words, you have to both find the spoons and make it back to the living room before it. So, its pretty much an all out brawl once somebody find them. Sometimes things break. That's all I will say about that. If you want to know how to play the right way, I reccommend talking to Ashley...she's basically the Tiger Woods of spoons haha

Wednesday night, Shelley put together a suprise b-day party for me over at Chris Hughes' house. I have to say that it was the best birthday party I have ever thanks for all of you that came! We ate chicken enchaladas (yum) and played catch phrase etc... I will miss all the guys that are going back to school next week (Chris, Eric, Nathan, Ryan...although you're a girl haha). It was an awesome summer hanging out with one in recent memory!

Now school starts next week and it is supposed to be my last semester EVER! The one thing I am dreading is taking my final oral exam. What this consists of is me in a room with three professors who get to ask me whatever they want to ask me about any of the classes that I have taken in my NCSU career. I talked to my advisor to ask him what I needed to be studying or at least focusing on for my final and he replied with these words: "Oh, it's going to be kind of open-ended". What the heck is that supposed to mean? The other member of my committee replied with: "Just know that I plan to test the depth and breadth of your knowledge of meteorology" Once again, what the heck? I think in translation that means: "Your butt is mine!" but I'm not sure. So it looks like my study plan will consist of...oh I don't know...EVERYTHING!!!! Geeze I think all my professors took "Vague Language 101" followed by two semesters of "How to Say A Whole Lot and Not Really Say Anything at All 201" Oh well, if you find some time, pray for my final...I definitely need it.

So it has struck me recently just how "domesticated" we have become as Christians in this country. It's like when we accept Christ, we either expect to live a life of peace and tranquility, or we do it just to escape going to hell when we die. It's like we have a set of rules for what a "good Christian" should look like and as long as we follow them and are a little different from the world, we are pleasing God. That's not what the early followers of Jesus were like at all. In fact, I was just reading about John the Baptist about a barbarian! This guy was crazy! But at the same time, his entire life and everything he did was to direct people to follow Jesus. He did whatever it took to point people to Christ...even if it made him look like a fool. The part that struck me today when I was reading about him was when John was in prison (not a safe and tranquil place) and sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He was really the One who was to come. Even John had doubts. I mean...I can definitely is the guy John was preparing the way for...the one who was doing all these miracles and people were flocking to Him and here's John now thrown in prison. Perhaps John was thinking: "When is Jesus coming to get me out of this place?" It is interesting that Jesus replied (paraphrase) "look at all the miracles...the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are healed, but don't fall away because of all this!" Why would anyone fall away because of hearing about Jesus' miracles? I think maybe what Jesus was telling him was: "John, I have a different path for you. I'm not going to get you out of prison. In fact, you are going to have to give your life. But you will be blessed if you do not fall away because of me." God doesn't always call us to lead a life of peace and safety. Sometimes, our path is uncertain, dangerous (maybe even John). Maybe our path is not always understood by the mainstream. But at the same time, following Jesus is the only way that we can live fully alive. We are called to an adventure. Not to a life of domestication. I'm not sure exactly what that is for me yet, but I pray that God will an adventure to live. A dream that is so much bigger than me that only He can accomplish it.

Till next time...



John Blanchard--I really think you need to choose a Korean name now. Like John Kim maybe haha j/k. I miss you man! Who am I going to play disc golf with now?

Daryl Munroe (DD, derizzle...geeze you have so many names)--You are finally getting your shout-out :) Now I want my watermelon shake from Cook-Out! Triple K KNOW!! haha

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